Insights from social policy research on communities and COVID

This half day seminar on 7 September 2022 in Te Whanganui-a-Tara addressed the question: how can you access, support, and create social policy research that is representative of communities and practical for policy makers?

Ngā mihi nunui to our fantastic kaikōrero and to our guests who joined us on the day. Please find our seminar report, speakers’ presentation slides and a summary document of the research that was presented below.

Final Seminar Report (PDF 73KB)
Research Summary, including contact details of speakers (PDF 65KB)

Speaker slides:

We also welcomed staff from the Policy Project within DPMC, who shared information about their Community Engagement Toolkit. The toolkit was developed with extensive community input and is part of their Policy Methods Toolbox.

Please get in touch with us if you have any pātai, at