In early September 2022, ComVoices brought together community researchers from its network to talk to government’s policy officials about:
- the contribution of the community sector during the COVID pandemic; and
- how the relationship between government and the sector could learn from the lessons and precedents set over the last few years.
Our final seminar report is now published and it highlights key outcomes and asks for government policy folk to consider.
When the Prime Minister asked all of New Zealand to “be kind”
at the beginning of this pandemic, she may as well have pointed
to the community and voluntary sector as an example of what
to do.Comvoices wishes to continue engaging with the public policy
sector across government and local government, kindly
supporting and informing policy through our connections to the
community and their own researchers. This is so that policy
affecting communities is intentionally equitable from the onset,
with accountable and ongoing relationships with those
communities. We believe what was effective during this public
health crisis could also inform other issues vital to wellbeing in
Aotearoa such as the housing crisis, child poverty,
decolonisation, and disability access.
Or follow this link to more resources from the seminar.